Celebrating 25 Years of Clean Clothes

Hosted by the Community Laundry Co-op and Heartwood House

We would like to invite you to help us celebrate the accomplishments of the Community Laundry Co-op over its 25-year history. While we are all disappointed that the Co-op is closing, let’s take a moment together to be grateful for all the ways the Co-op has served the community and all the people who contributed to keeping its doors open for 25 years.

The story of the Co-op is a story about building community and supporting each other. This is an opportunity to celebrate that community. There will be some reflections and commentary on the Co-op’s history, followed by an opportunity to chat informally over a free lunch from Chef Ric’s.

Noon on Wednesday, April 24

The Sanctuary in Heartwood House, 404 McArthur Avenue

Everyone interested in attending the celebration is welcome. To ensure we have enough food, please RSVP to phil@communitylaundrycoop.ca.

The Co-op greatly appreciates the support of Heartwood House in organizing and funding this event.

We hope to see you there!

Margaret Fallis
Chair of the Board of Directors

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